You probably know that winter elements can be extremely tough on your asphalt pavement. That’s why we do our best to protect our asphalt pavement during winter.  

However, summer can also be tough on your asphalt pavement. Blacktops retain a lot of heat. This is particularly true during peak temperatures.  

Walking on an asphalt pavement during summer can often feel like you’re walking on hot coals. It will become brittle and dry eventually. This can result in a couple of weak spots and underground damages.  

Fortunately, there are ways you can protect your asphalt paving Frisco TX during summer. Here are some of them: 

Manage Standing Water 

Standing water, like debris, can have a bad impact on your asphalt pavement. Over time, water that accumulates in particular areas of your parking lot can cause the asphalt to erode. In addition to that, it might be a sign of a bigger issue.  

If water is pooling, it can indicate that your catch basin is clogged or damaged. It can also be a sign of poor installation of your asphalt pavement. Thus, you might have to replace it to fix the problem.  

Conduct Pavement Maintenance and Repairs 

You’ve got to ensure you recognize and fix asphalt pavement problems and damages right away. This helps prevent them from getting more expensive as time passes by. Clean up oil stains immediately. Fill in potholes and take the time to restripe your commercial driveway during summer.  

Clean Your Asphalt Pavement Regularly 

Having a clean asphalt pavement that is free of inorganic and organic debris prevents major and minor issues. Aside from improving the curb appeal and aesthetic of your property, it can also help improve the longevity of your asphalt pavement.  

Loose debris can blow across the parking lot. They can also get trapped inside the catch basin. Oftentimes, loose debris gets driven and stepped on repeatedly. If you ignore this, they can get crushed into the pavement.  

These things aren’t great for your asphalt. Crushed-up debris can cause the asphalt to break apart and result in severe structural damage. This is particularly true if you combine it with the heat of the sun. 

Regularly Examine Your Pavement 

Major pavement damages do not appear right away. They start off as minor cracks. Then, they will gradually expand as time passes by. This is particularly true if your asphalt paving regularly receives traffic.  

Minor cracks can also grow if they fill up with debris and water. Because of this, it is crucial that you set aside a bit of time at least once every 7 days to evaluate your asphalt pavement for small damages.  

The sooner you recognize minor issues, the sooner you can repair them and prevent them from becoming major issues. If you don’t, you should expect to spend more money to fix them.  

Aside from that, you might have to replace your asphalt paving if the issue is already worse. If you don’t want this to happen, you need to address minor problems right away.